House prices could be inadvertently driven higher under the Napthine government's metropolitan strategy for Melbourne, a leading planning expert says, adding to concerns over housing affordability.

And the influential head of Melbourne City Council's urban design division says uncertainty surrounding parts of the government's east-west link project could hurt parts of the inner city.

Speaking at a forum last week on the government's Plan Melbourne strategy, Pat Fensham, a partner with consultants SGS, warned the strategy could limit housing supply and push up prices.

Mr Fensham said councils, in response to the plan, were being asked to lock in certainty over which parts of their municipality were ripe for high-density development. Some councils - such as Stonnington, Glen Eira and Boroondara - had nominated limited areas as suitable for high-density development. Mr Fensham said this could result in housing costs rising. He said the political agendas of inner-city councils would see them try to block high-density development where possible.

Jennifer Cunich, Victorian executive director of the Property Council, speaking after the forum, also warned the side effect of locking in specific zones for high growth would be to push prices up ''We need to have a discussion about people saying, 'Not in my backyard', because … where else is going to be able to take up growth?''

Planning Minister Matthew Guy said on Sunday councils would ''need to be realistic about what the government has asked for in this process''. Councils that demanded that too much of their municipality be deemed inappropriate for higher-density development would be sent back to the drawing board, he said.

Another speaker, Rob Adams, city design director at Melbourne City Council said prospective designs for the Napthine government's east-west link road would affect parts of Kensington, with an elevated motorway over Moonee Ponds Creek planned. The government has told the council to suspend its plans for a new park on the creek's banks, because the land will be needed for the toll road. Professor Adams questioned if it was wise ''to send whole areas of the inner city into a holding pattern of blight while we have on the never-never the possibility of yet another large road''.