Friday, March 21, 2014

Shot fired into house in Glenroy, Melbourne - Herald Sun

A FAMILY at home when a shot was fired into their front window in Melbourne’s north believe the attack was targeted.

A husband and wife, their two sons, the wife’s brother and her mother were at their home in Gowrie St, Glenroy, when two shots were fired at about 3.50am.

One shot was fired into the front window, while another hit a tree opposite the house.

No-one was injured.

Police believe a shotgun was used in the attack.

No vehicle was seen or heard in the area at the time.

Detective Senior Constable Bryan Strangman from Moreland Crime Investigation Unit said the family woke up to the shots but didn’t hear anything after that.

“Normally they’ll hear a loud screech but they didn’t hear that,” Senior Constable Strangman.

Neighbour Anne Bartolo said she was woken by two shots.

“I heard a bang, a big bang.

“After a while I heard another bang,” she said.

“It’s a bit frightening because this street’s so peaceful.

“Now I don’t know what’s going on.

“I want to take off.”

Neighbours say police have been to the house multiple times since the family moved in.

Investigators are looking into a number of leads.

More to come ...

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