Monday, January 6, 2014

Relief for Melbourne drivers - Yahoo!7 News

Melbourne gets its roads back from tomorrow after almost two weeks of closures. Emily Angwin reports.

Melbourne gets its roads back from tomorrow morning after almost two weeks of closures, detours and delays.

Emily Angwin joins us live now from Power Street.

Emily, are there any traffic headaches tonight?

I am on Kingsway and it is relatively busy.

with the Burnley Tunnel to remain closed for the next 11 hours.

VicRoads was predicting delays this evening of around 20 minutes, which is similar to this morning.

Most of the traffic jams are on the diversions, like on Power Street and Kings Way.

300 people have been working to resurface the road for the first time since it opened in 2000.

Despite predictions of 'Carmageddon', the closures of the West Gate, Domain Tunnel and Burnley Tunnel have been relatively painless.

And the Roads Minister has thanked motorists for their patience.

It's been great for Melbourne, great for Melbourne's reputation, to think we can undertake this kind of work in the middle of our city, shut down our major arterials and the city still flows.

I think that's the great message to come out of this but it doesn't happen without planning and the planning happened six months before the work.

So, Jen, there is a light at the end of the tunnel with everything back to normal by 5:00 tomorrow morning.

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