Australian man Greg Cummins (middle) and his daughter, Ellie (left).

Australian man Greg Cummins (middle) and his daughter, Ellie (left). Photo: Peter Cox

The Melbourne family of an Australian man and his Philippino wife missing after Typhoon Haiyan are relieved to hear that he is alive and well.

Dane Walker, of Kew, son-in-law of Greg Cummins, who had been missing from the coastal town of Guiuan where he ran a hotel, said he and his partner, Mr Cummins' daughter Ellie Cummins, had been "running on adrenalin and hope" trying to find out whether Mr Cummins was alive and had "barely slept".

Mr Walker said social media had helped track Mr Cummins down, and people around the world had helped them. In return, they had passed on information to others searching for loved ones.

"Greg and Ryla have been found and they are alive," Mr Walker told Fairfax Media on Sunday afternoon.

"They are trying to get out of Samar and they are en route to Cebu now via ferry. We have limited communication with them.

"But they are ok and alive.

"We do know he left Guiuan on day four, via motorcycle. He [Greg Cummins] had to leave as locals were turning on each other."

"Him and his wife road [sic] for two days to safety. Through jungle and mountains. He took rescue north of Tacloban somewhere and is now on a ferry to Cebu for shelter. That's all we know at this stage."

Mr Walker said he and Ellie had "gone to great lengths, stopped at nothing to find them. Social media has been a great help, we wouldn't have been able to do this, even several years ago".

"We are running on adrenalin and hope. We have barely slept."

"Through Social Media we are in contact with the Deputy in Chief, Commander in Chief of Philippine Army, Navy, Airforce and actual pilots who first hit the ground in Guiuan.

"Plus every charity, news reporters and locals in the area and all over the world. Between Ellie and myself we have sent out over 2000 tweets for help and to raise awareness and also to help other families and people seeking loved ones.

"Now we are helping others to find their families and most have found their families alive which is amazing. We are sharing every piece of information we have with others in the hope they can be found.

"People around the world have been amazing in sharing and helping us, and hopefully we have been able to help others too."

Mr Walker said he and Ellie had raised money for victims of Typhoon Haiyan, helped by local businesses such as Chemist Warehouse and Anaconda, and by Monday, "we will have several truckloads of relief goods including vitamins, water purification tablets, torches, tarps, tents, food, water, sanitary goods, first aid, candles, clothes, bedding etc being sent".

They were looking forward to seeing Greg and Ryla when it was safe; "in the meantime we can help by raising awareness, encouraging people to help and donate as much as possible to help these beautiful people get back up on their feet".