Sunday, July 14, 2013

More than 20 arrested during Melbourne operation targeting drug possession ... - ABC Online

Posted July 14, 2013 15:59:16

A total of 26 people have been arrested in Melbourne's nightclub district as part of an operation targeting illegal drug use.

Police seized a litre of liquid GHB, as well as ecstasy tablets, amphetamine, prescription medication and ice during a blitz on the city's King Street early this morning.

Four people were charged with drug trafficking.

Police launched the operation in response to a high number of drug overdoses involving GHB.

Sergeant Glen Finlay said the foremost concern of police was preventing a death from occurring.

"Since April police have attended 24 overdoses with 17 people requiring hospitalisation and we're sure paramedic crews have attended many more incidents that have not come to police attention," he said in a statement.

"Most of these overdoses have been attributed to GHB or derivatives.

"GHB poses a significant risk and the last thing that any officer wants to do is to have to tell a family that they have lost someone due to a completely avoidable drug overdose.

"Fortunately during our operation this morning we have not had any overdoses occur in the King Street area.

"We see this as a direct result of police proactively targeting this issue and we will continue to run future operations."

Topics: drug-offences, crime, law-crime-and-justice, melbourne-3000

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