Police seized over a litre of the drug GHB, also known as fantasy or liquid ecstasy, during an operation in Melbourne's nightclub district.
Twenty-six people were arrested for drug possession and trafficking as police targeted nightclubs and car parks in and around King Street from 4.30am Sunday.
The operation was prompted by a spate of drug overdoses, predominantly from GHB.
Four people were charged with drug trafficking from a Flinders Street car park .
Eighteen received a caution for drug possession, including 10 for GHB.
Police also seized ecstasy, speed, ice and prescription medication.
Seventeen men and eight women were detected for drug offences.
Sergeant Glen Finlay, of the north west metro divisional licensing unit, said police were trying to curb a spike in overdoses.
"Since April, police have attended 24 overdoses with 17 people requiring hospitalisation and we're sure paramedic crews have attended many more incidents that have not come to police attention," he said.
"Most of these overdoses have been attributed to GHB or derivatives."
Since the operation started three months ago, police have processed 120 people for drug offences.

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